Replacement cost and budget to remove knob and tube electrical wiring
If your looking for Recommendations for knob and tube electrical wiring and the implications of having it in your home, you have come to the right place.
Introduction: why knob and tube wiring is problematic
A big cause for concern for people that have old wiring in their home is how it can effect their insurance policy should you have it present in your home. The short answer is that you will have far less grief in the long run if you seek a electrician to get all the knob and tube wiring (or aluminum wiring) removed. This is because of the age of the wiring and the difficulty involved to maintain it. Finding replacement parts is not always possible as most knob and tube parts are obsolete making any parts that are available used and likely not much better. This is why it is always advised to remove the old wiring during a renovation. While walls are opened up it becomes less obstructed and can be more easily modernized with new wiring.
Is removing knob and tube electrical wiring a big job?
Removing knob and tube wiring can be a very time consuming and expensive job to have completed. Limited access to the wiring and patch work if access holes are needed to be made in the plaster or drywall are the main time consuming factors.
How expensive is it to remove and change knob and tube wiring?
Removing and replacing old wiring can be quite expensive. Most of the expense is related to the labor of completing the task. New electrical wiring materials can be purchased easily and at a variety of home building centers for a few hundred dollars. However, it is worth contacting your electrician for pricing on the complete job including, permits and materials as they will get better pricing on wire, boxes, switches and outlets due to the bulk amount of material they order. Another consideration you may have to work into your budget is if the electrical panel requires replacement. This is due to the upgrades and added circuits you will be making. In most situations the old fuse box panel that is existing will need replacement to allow the addition of more circuits. This can range in price but at the low end expect to pay around $1500 and up.

Electrical panel repair cost can range depending on how much upgrading needs to be done.
- Does the main electrical service need to be increased? 60 amp to 100 amp
- will the mast or meter base need changing?
- is the water and gas properly bonded to ground?
- Adding more circuits in the home to accommodate new appliances, electronics and lighting.
- If your getting walls opened up to renovate it only makes sense to remove old wiring add new lighting and power outlets at the same time.
- Often times older homes won’t have ceiling light fixtures. Instead they will have switched receptacles which will require the use of lamps. Factor in how many rooms may require a ceiling electrical box roughed in or if slim led pot lights will be used.
- electrical permit costs
Will the service mast require replacement?
Its likely that if you are wanting to increase the service ampacity that you will also require a new service mast. The reason for this is that the old mast will be too small to accommodate the larger wires. Sometimes there can be difficulties replacing the mast as you will need attachment points that often inaccessible without the removal of plaster and drywall inside the home.
Is my meter base on my utility providers acceptable list?
Your utility may require you to replace your meter base. This is because if it is old and you require a future maintenance visit the hydro provider may not have parts on their truck to fix your meter base should something need replacement. Often times you can look up the acceptable list of meter bases by visiting your utility providers website. If your current meter is not on the list there is a good probability that it will need to be replaced.
Switched receptacles
It can be time consuming fishing wires behind finished walls to improve lighting but living with lamps that are connected to switched receptacles can be frustratingly dim. When planning a renovation consider running the wires while the walls are easily accessible to the electrician. This will save on electrical labor costs.

Electrical Permit costs – Ontario
For up to date 2019 permit fee pricing please visit the link to the ESA website. Generally speaking more devices translates to a higher permit cost. This is to allow the inspector the time needed to properly view all the new wiring and devices. Licensed contractors receive a discount where as a non-contractors e.g. – home owners, pay more.
4.2 Additions or Alterations to Existing Structures
4.2.1 Renovation of Residential Units
The fee for individual residential units, including multi-unit buildings consisting of 4 or fewer units, basement apartments, granny suites, detached outbuildings and rewires, is:
# Outlets…..No Service……With Service……………No Service…….With Service
……1-10 ………….$49*…………….$125 ……………………….$56*…………….$191
(1) Outlets include devices such as switches, fixtures, receptacles, plug mold (multi-outlet strips), power outlets, ceiling fans, exhaust fan, thermostats, fire/security alarm devices; and dishwashers, range hoods, baseboard heaters, and surge suppressors.
(2) Service includes replacement of any component of the main service equipment: the mast (includes reattaching the clevis), meterbase, service entrance equipment, main disconnect switch and/or main panel.
(3) The fee for outlets with service is only applicable if filed at the same time.
(4) There is no charge to inspect sub-panels (pony panels) if inspected at the same time as other work; if inspected separately the fee is $39* (NC $41*) [R068].