Agricultural Farm Service - motor repair, barn controls

Green Electric and Automation's farm electrician is here to help you:


Our farm electrician service can help you!


Our farm electrician division fully realize the importance of providing a affordable, prompt electrical service.  We know that most farmers are already invested into a particular brand or line of automation solutions.  For this reason we try to accommodate electrical work on many different types of new and used electrical controls, panels and motors.  This helps insure comparability and integration with the commonly found devices and equipment on your farm and in your barn.  We can also follow any instructions for bio security or maintenance planning so that the work can be carried out on your terms or when livestock will be least effected and stressed.  


Save on energy, time and cost with our affordable

Farm Electrical and Automation Services.


Maximize efficiency & Safety

Preform Preventative Maintenance

Repair, Inspect & Install Electrical Farm Equipment




  Electrical panel replacement and maintenance

Fan Ventilation & Temperature control systems

Barn alarm upgrades & replacement

Lighting controls and maintenance

Dryer bin & stir auger hookups

Surge protection

Motor maintenance and installation

Variable frequency motor drives

Feeding systems



Our goal is for our farm electrician to quickly locate electrical problems, correct faults and prevent breakdowns.

Drier bin heater
farm electrician installed sukup bin dryer and stir augers
Countyline controls
barn light