Commercial Electrician

New and Used Equipment

Green Electric & Automation services a wide selection of New and Used commercial equipment

Our commercial electrician's work on Lighting systems, rooftop units, exhaust fan systems, electric heating and environmental Hvac controls.  We can troubleshoot any of your existing equipment, give recommendations or present a plan of action if maintenance is required.  Sometimes equipment just needs a little routine maintenance to get it up and running again at peak efficiency. 

Green Electric & Automation logo

This is why we offer our Motor Maintenance Service. 

Our commercial electrician can quickly replace faulty components e.g: belts, pulleys, relays, fuse's or various temperature and motor controls... to get your business back on track.  If required, we can perform a full motor or control panel replacement.  Sometimes equipment is just worn out, a new motor replacement ensures any defective parts are eliminated to prevent future problems and call backs.  This can also provide an opportunity to upgrade your equipment or controls to make it more energy efficient and restore confidence in the operation of equipment in your business.



Reliable, Innovative and Affordable are the words we use to describe our commercial lighting and supporting electrical services.


Looking to reduce or eliminate your hydro bill?



Low Voltage Lighting Controls and Power Management Systems

Occupancy Sensing Controls

Motor maintenance service - Pulley & Belt Alignment & Replacement

Lighting Maintenance, Repairs & Retrofits

Public Facilities & Building Automation Controls

Restaurant & Office Renovations 

Commercial Equipment - Hvac fan systems & Environmental Controls

Parking lot & Emergency Lighting



Green Electric & Automation has the right products and experience

to get energy saving solutions to you.


Feel free to message us via our contact page or call us at 519.608.4062 for any inquiries.


Light post
illuminated exit light
Outdoor LED Wall Light
Photocell dusk to dawn led parking lot lighting